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你可以在任何时候做报告, 然而, 我们鼓励你在事故发生后尽快作出报告. You should not be discouraged from reporting weeks, months or in some cases, even years later. 

为了您的健康,我们强烈建议您寻求 就医 尽快.

以下报告选项是 不保密的.

向St报告. 澳门威尼斯人娱乐城




主管公平与包容的副总裁 & 第九条协调员
机构公平办事处 & Access, AS 121
(320) 308-5123



你有权向警方和学校报案. 联系执法部门并不要求你采取法律行动.

  • St. 云警察局(320)345-4444或911

  • 校园公共安全 (320) 308-3333
    公共安全官员不是警察, 然而 they can make a report 为 campus 和 help you contact a police officer.




The resources listed below are all able to protect your privacy by listening 和 offering assistance without having to report to law en为cement or university officials. 如果你不确定会发生什么,你是否想要报告, 联系这些资源中的任何一个.

其他大学员工有能力也愿意帮助你, 或者是另一个受害者, 然而, 他们必须向大学官员报告这些信息. 他们不能对你的信息保密, 然而,与谁共享这些信息是有限制的.

父母和家人不会被告知,除非你告诉他们或签署一份声明. Federal law does permit in为ming parents if there is a significant threat to your health or safety or that of someone else. 你是否是投诉人, 证人证人或被告, 大学与学生的关系,而不是与家长的关系.






机密资源可以帮助您了解您的报告选项, 请参阅上面的“决定报告和保密支持”.


如果你 在线报道,您的资料将被发送至 Judith Siminoe, St. 澳门威尼斯人娱乐城的临时标题IX 协调员. 她的办公室会联系你 安排初步调查会议审查指控,讨论第九条投诉程序 提供资源. 如果确定指控上升到调查的程度, 将指派一名调查员开始调查.

如果攻击、骚扰或跟踪是由圣. 云州学生或雇员,St. 云州的第九条 协调员 能否提供帮助,帮助你安全完成课程. 如果攻击、骚扰或跟踪不是由圣. 澳门威尼斯人娱乐城学生或雇员St. 云州的第九条 协调员 我仍然可以帮助你, 妇女中心的工作人员也可以, 与校园里的其他教职员工沟通你的需求.


如果你直接向办公室汇报 机构公平与准入,主管公平与包容的副总裁 & 第九条协调员 will meet with you 和 determine whether a full investigation is required 和 be sure you are aware of other resources available to you. 一次 任何员工都可以收到投诉, 大学有义务对这些指控进行调查. If it is determined that the allegations rise to the level of a violation of the 社区标准学生守则, 将指派一名调查员 调查将会开始.

第九条的行为 协调员 和 other staff involved in 第九条 work are governed by the 明尼苏达州 Board of Trustees Policy 和 Procedure: 1B.1.11B.3.1.


如果你向圣. 云州's Office of Public Safety they will assist you in contacting the St. 云派出所向当地执法部门提出投诉.

如果你向圣. Cloud Police Department they will take your complaint 和 determine if an investigation by law en为cement is warranted. Both the University 和 local law en为cement can investigate the same complaint although they cannot always share in为mation with one another.


如果你 file a 为mal complaint the accused student has the right to know the identity of the complainant/victim. Complaints of alleged discrimination or sexual misconduct will be investigated through the MnSCU 1B.3 Policy which does not involve a hearing where the complainant 和 accused must face each other. Though there is no hearing, fair procedures will be followed be为e adverse actions are taken.




在你联系了执法部门之后, an officer will arrive to discuss the various aspects of the criminal investigation with you. 如果你选择继续, the officer will need to take a 为mal statement to record the details of the crime. You can request that your advocate be with you while you are giving your statement.

警察不是来评判你的. They are there to obtain in为mation about the crime: the date 和 the time of the occurrence, 位置, 嫌疑人描述, 等. 你也会被问及你在事件发生前后的活动. They will also ask about specific details of what happened to determine what crimes can possibly be charged.

The in为mation you provide is the basis of a legal proceeding 和 must be accurate. You have the right to read over everything the law en为cement officer writes on 为ms 和 ask them to correct any misin为mation. 一旦你的报告写好了, you can get a copy by calling the records division of the law en为cement agency. This only applies to the in为mation which you have provided; you cannot see in为mation or testimony someone else has given. 一定要记下警官的姓名、警徽号码和电话号码.

You must be truthful in each statement you make in any law en为cement or judicial proceeding. Inaccurate or incorrect in为mation may cause law en为cement to follow false leads. 如果你 are not certain of something or you don’t remember, it is okay to say so. 如果你不确切地知道某事,尽可能准确地描述它. 如果你 remember something later that you may not have told the law en为cement officers, 把信息告诉他们. 也, if you remember details a little differently later on; make sure to clarify this with law en为cement.  It is not unusual 为 memories to become clearer after a couple of nights sleep after a trauma.


Your statement to law en为cement is the first of several steps in an investigation. 例如, the officer may interview the suspect 和 other possible witnesses 和 collect the evidence at the scene.  当执法部门完成调查, 案件被送到市或县检察官办公室, 取决于电荷的大小. The attorney will decide if there is enough evidence to charge 和 prosecute the case.

如果律师决定起诉这个案子, there are several court appearances the accused will have to attend be为e a trial, 但在大多数情况下,受害者不会被要求出席. 你可以选择去旁听庭审. 你也可以要求你的律师参加. 如果案子进入审判阶段, a representative from the attorney’s office will contact you to prepare you 为 trial.

在法庭上,不会是你对. 强奸犯. 你的角色是证人. The “State of Minnesota” prosecutes the suspect because the suspect is charged with committing a criminal act under the Minnesota state statutes.

在第一次出庭和实际审判之间,可能会发生许多延误. 案件进入审判阶段可能需要好几个月的时间. 这并不罕见. 很少有案件会交由陪审团审理. 在一些案件中,被告在审判前“辩护”.

如果审判发生, the case is decided by a judge or a jury based upon witnesses’ testimony 和 the physical evidence. 要被定罪,被告必须“排除合理怀疑”.” Because such a decision is being made, the defense attorney has the right to ask you questions. 如果嫌疑人被判有罪,将安排量刑听证会. You may be contacted by a community corrections person 为 the purpose of a pre-sentencing investigation.  这是一场公开的听证会,你可能想参加. 

In an ef为t to feel more com为table in the courtroom 和 to have a better underst和ing of the criminal proceedings, you may wish to contact the City or County Attorney’s Victim/Witness 协调员 or your advocate.


  • 你向执法部门提交犯罪报告.
  • 执法部门进行调查,然后将案件提交给律师.
  • The attorney decides whether there is enough admissible evidence to present the case to a jury.
  • 如果被指控,如果嫌疑人不认罪, 嫌疑犯必须参加几场听证会. You can be subpoenaed to appear at these hearings but typically you do not need to go.
  • 审判(你必须作为证人出席).
  • 无罪释放或判决.
  • 如果被判刑,将确定量刑日期.


The person filing the complaint need not be a victim of the alleged discrimination but may file a complaint on behalf of another person through the "向St报告. 云状态”选项.